
Submit information about an analyzer to the Kompar catalog. The Kompar team reviews all submissions prior to incorporating information into the catalog.

To contribute information for an analyzer that's not already in the catalog, click the "New analyzer" button. To modify information for an analyzer that's already in the Kompar catalog, or add information for a new version of an analyzer, click the "Existing analyzer" button.

When a row in the "Drafts" list is selected, click the "Edit" button on the right to provide information.

If you have any trouble, please reach out via the Contact page.

Add a
New analyzer
Modify or add a version of an
Existing analyzer
Keep track of in-progress analyzer submissions here before they're sent for review.
IDAnalyzer NameVersionVendorLast UpdatedDate CreatedUser Memo
There are currently no analyzer submission drafts.
When you submit a draft for review, you can view it here until it is accepted and added to our catalog.
IDAnalyzer NameVersionVendorLast UpdatedDate CreatedUser Memo
There are currently no analyzer submissions under review.
Select a draft or analyzer submission to preview it here.