Veracode Static Analysis

Basic Information
Software cost
Software license
Process Integration
Analysis inputs
Pre-compiled binary
Display results in IDE
Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio
Supported programming languages
C, C#, C++, COBOL, ColdFusion, Go, Groovy, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala, TypeScript, VB.NET, Visual Basic
Supported development frameworks
ASP.NET, React Native
Claimed Weakness Coverage
Claimed Weakness Coverage information hasn't been collected yet for this analyzer.
Really want it? Let us know.
Checker Customization
Checker Customization information hasn't been collected yet for this analyzer.
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Speed & Scalability
64 percent of scans are completed in less than 1 hour and 85 percent are completed in less than 4 hours. An ETA for scan completion is provided for each scan you create and is based upon a combination of language, application analysis size, and application history.

Results Quality
Results Quality information hasn't been collected yet for this analyzer.
Really want it? Let us know.
Reporting information hasn't been collected yet for this analyzer.
Really want it? Let us know.
Installation guide or documentation
User/operator guide or documentation