Basic Information
Automated analysis for code best practices violations, code duplications, errors and more. Free for open source.
Tool first release date
Version release date
Software cost
Free, Paid
Software license
Self-Hosted, SaaS
Supported operating systems
Tool website
Process Integration
Deployment model
CI Server, Standalone Server
Analysis inputs
Source code
SCM Integration
Display results in IDE
Sublime Text, Vim
Live analysis & feedback while coding in IDE
Sublime Text, Vim
Pre-commit invocation from workstation
CI Integration
Generic command line interface (CLI)
Able to analyze incremental changes to code (commit, patch, pull request)
Supported programming languages
C, C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Scala, Shell
Supported development frameworks
Claimed Weakness Coverage
Claimed Weakness Coverage information hasn't been collected yet for this analyzer.
Really want it? Let us know.
Really want it? Let us know.
Checker Customization
Can disable checkers
Can customize checker logic
Speed & Scalability
Incremental analysis of the changed files.
Parallelizes on one host
Parallelizes across more than one host
Results Quality
Provides explanation of warning
Provides severity of warning
Provides code context around warning
Provides code coverage information per checker
Results suppression even after code changes
Show differences in results set to previous scan
Graphical user interface (GUI)
Hierarchical reporting for multiple projects, teams, departments, etc.
Centralized reporting
Role-based access
Installation guide or documentation