Basic Information
Process Integration
Analysis inputs
Source code
Supported programming languages
C, C++
Claimed Weakness Coverage
Claimed Weakness Coverage information hasn't been collected yet for this analyzer.
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Really want it? Let us know.
Checker Customization
Checker Customization information hasn't been collected yet for this analyzer.
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Really want it? Let us know.
Speed & Scalability
Speed & Scalability information hasn't been collected yet for this analyzer.
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Really want it? Let us know.
Results Quality
Provides explanation of warning
Provides severity of warning
Provides confidence information about warning
Provides code context around warning
Graphical user interface (GUI)
Filter results by compliance standard
CERT C Secure Coding Standards, CERT C++ Secure Coding Standards, CWE All, MISRA C (2012), MISRA C++ (2008)
Support information hasn't been collected yet for this analyzer.
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Really want it? Let us know.